Language Services

Translation in a dicitonary.


In-house Translation from English to French for your brochures, ads and other important documents.

We use our experience and dictionaries over AI.

Not only words are translated, their meaning too!

0.12 per word
110 per 1,000 words

From 20

Hand holding a world representation.

Website Localisation

Boost your sales and reach by localising your website from English to French!

Did you know that 75% of consumers prefer to buy from websites in their native language?

We will adapt your website:
– Language
– Content
– Pictures
– Data
– SEO (Search Engine Optimisation)

Price on request

Content writer in action.

Content Writing

Do you need an article for your blog or a newsletter for your audience? Maybe you’re a webmaster and need help with landing pages?

We adapt our writing style to yours. Our content is 100% human-written.

Increase your SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) score with SEO-adapted-content and convert users to customers.

Save time by letting us write your landing pages, social media, newsletters, brochures, etc.

0.07 per word
60 per post (900-1,000 words)

From 10

Price on request for SEO

English text with errors highlighted in red. A red pen is visible.


Publish French books, magazines, articles, brochures, instructions, etc. without spelling mistakes.

Increase your video CTR* with error-free-titles and boost your social media posts CTA**!

Establish a reliable and professional identity with proofread texts.

*Click-Through Rate
**Click-Through Action

€3 per 1,000 characters (0-15k characters)
2.85 per 1,000 characters (15k-50k characters)
Price on request over 50,000 characters

From 20

Headphone around books.


Increase your website accessibility, engagement rate, reach and SEO performance with a transcript of your videos and audios.

Save time reusing the transcript of your content for your social media pages. No need to create new content!

We also provide Transcription for companies that need meetings transcripts.

Hire us to write or double-check your videos subtitles!

2.20 per minute
2 per minute (audio over 1 hour)

From 20

Why Alphadico

We provide various professional Language Services so you don’t have to deal with different contacts or companies to have the result you want.

Our background in Linguistics, Computational Language and Digital Marketing (Search, Native, Display) will benefit you at competitive price.

We are able to work during weekends or bank holidays for urgent requests.

Available During Bank Holidays

Competitive Price

Smooth Process

We Only Hire Native Speakers

100% Human-Written Content

Dedicated Support

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